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ARCH3230 Late Global History of Architecture


Description: Analyze the history and current context of modern architecture globally. Identify the societies and ideas that shape architecture history and theory. Examine the relationships between culture, geography, politics, race, and the ways in which they influence architectural thought and form.

Total Credits (include instruction type): 3 credits (Lec)

Total Hours: 48


PC.4 History and Theory—How the program ensures that students understand the histories and theories of architecture and urbanism, framed by diverse social, cultural, economic, and political forces, nationally and globally.

PC.8 Social Equity and Inclusion—How the program furthers and deepens students' understanding of diverse cultural and social contexts and helps them translate that understanding into built environments that equitably support and include people of different backgrounds, resources, and abilities.

COURSE COMPETENCIES (with lettered links to program outcomes)

1. Analyze the history of architecture from the industrial revolution to the present through the various cultures of the world and increasing globalization. (PC.4, PC.8)

2. Explain how the history of architecture is representative of political, economic, social, ecological, and technical factors. (PC.4, PC.8)

3. Distinguish how architecture is modified when new ideas are introduced. (PC.4, PC.8)

4. Explain architecture through a variety of viewpoints and theories (both historical and cultural). (PC.4, PC.8)

5. Identify key pieces of architecture from around the world. (PC.4, PC.8)

6. Explain significant periods in the history of architecture. (PC.4, PC.8)

7. Develop positions on modern and contemporary architectural theories. (PC.4, PC.8)

8. Explain how building technology, materials, and construction vary. (PC.4)

9. Examine the effect globalization has had on architecture and theory. (PC.4, PC.8)